Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chicken Lemon Rice Soup

My mother always made this when someone in our family was sick. When I first moved out, I didn't live too far away, so everytime I got sick, I'd just go stay with her and she'd make it for me. It wasn't until recently that my boyfriend and I moved halfway across the country, and when one of us got sick, and I finally asked for her recipe.

It's soup, not an exact recipe (more like guidelines). So you can add more of this and less of that if you want. And play with it. I use leftovers sometimes, when I have rice I need to use, or chicken carcasses, I'll make home made stock, which is so much richer, but when someone gets sick, and I don't have anything to use, I'll make it from scratch. It's become a favorite at home, as well as with the elderly (who are often sick). It's a feel-better soup.

Chicken Lemon Rice Soup

2 chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized cubes
vegetable oil or butter
1 small yellow onion, small diced
6 cups chicken broth
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 cup rice (uncooked)
1 medium carrot, shredded (or small diced)
salt and pepper
dried parsley

Season and cook chicken pieces until done, set aside.
Sweat the onions, until translucent, in a small amount of vegetable oil or butter and salt. (If dicing the carrot, add now).
Add stock and lemon juice and bring to a simmer.
Add rice, and simmer until rice is cooked through, about 20 minutes.
Add shredded carrots, chicken and dried parsley.
Season to taste.

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